We offer you solutions and ideas for your projects. Furthermore we support you on development of battery technology based applications with feasibility studies and financial modeling.
The sizing of energy storage systems including a load profile analysis and degradation simulation enables us to offer you single line diagrams (SLD) and system layouts.
We assist you and your employees regarding all questions to energy storage systems, technology and application as well as the procurement process.
Educate your employees with workshops and webinars regarding the design and operation of stationary energy storage systems with focus on Li-Ion and Redox Flow battery technology.
We support you on creating technical specifications and requirements for energy storage systems for tender processes and during the offer phase.
Our team is specialized in stationary energy storage for industrial applications. This includes for example grid services, integration of renewables or the combination of battery storage with conventional electricity production.
Partners & Clients;Friends
Multiple participants in the value chain can benefit from consulting and engineering support
Our clients and partners are located in the whole value chain of energy storage projects. Whether you are a System Integrator who wants to ramp up his staff capacity flexible or if you are working on creating a tender process to purchase a battery system. Projects developer and investors can benefit from technical expertise for financial modeling or feasibility studies. As well operators of battery sites can benefit from experience in degradation behavior and optimize their asset utilization.
MWh Capacity
We offer consulting support for tender processes, offer reviews, development of technical specifications and requirements, contracts for product and performance warranty and much more
Use our engineering services such as battery load profile analysis and degradation studies to size battery plants as well as system design with single line diagram and battery room layout
Get a workshop now on design and operation of utility scale stationary battery systems and enable your staff to work with this key technology for a sustainable energy supply in the future
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