About Me
Leon Gosh – Energy Storage Expert
I am a Mechanical Engineer;a International Welding Engineer;a person with a passion for batteries
Experience in battery technology since 2011
Born in Hamburg, Germany I worked as a Research Assistant on the Development of Redox Flow Batteries at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences where I did my Bachelor in Mechanical ENgineering and my Master in Sustainable Energy Systems. Additionally I achieved my diploma as a a International Welding Engineer (IWE) in 2012. My working experience varies from R&D of battery cell development, maintenance of power plants at Vattenfall to system engineering and technical marketing at Samsung SDI.
Design of Battery Systems
With my experience at the market leader for supply of stationary battery systems I gained knowledge about design and application as well as sales strategy and market analysis. Benefit from my network across Europe as I worked together with the majority of companies in Europe who are active in the filed of energy storage.
I am flexible to work with you anytime and anywhere in Europe on your battery storage projects
Experience about Conventional Electricity Production
As a maintenance engineer and manager at Vattenfall I gained fundamental knowloedge about electricty production at one of Europe’s largest utilities. The combination of power plants with battery storage is getting more and more significant as more business models are being developed.
Remote Support
You can contact me via phone or via email with questions regarding battery storage and I wil give you remote support
Research and Development
As a Research Assistant at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences at the Institute for Fuel Cell Technology and Energy Systems I gained experience in scientific work developing in a joint venture project cell components, executing the cell assembly and testing as well as the analysis of cell behaviour.
Competence in Meetings
TO be able to get the most out of everymeeting with possible suppliers and partners a battery expert in your team is essential
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