According to the Centre on Regulation in Europe (CERRE), Large-scale solar and wind power projects may already be able to compete in Europe’s wholesale electricity market in 2025. Lower capital costs for large-scale wind and solar projects, and much higher fossil fuel and carbon prices could lead to renewables becoming self-financing by 2025. If these conditions do not materialize, more auctions and tenders may still be needed.
In our opinon at cellution battery technology can help developing more economical models for wind and solar energy in the future and may enable renewables even befor 2025 to compete with conventional energy applications.
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Wind, solar could be self-financing by 2025 under current European electricity market design
EDF Energy is seeking to build a portfolio of domestic batteries to take into energy services markets by offering discounted energy storage units to consumers via a new partnership with manufacturer Powervault. The pair is offering existing solar PV owners as much as £2,000 off the cost of a home battery system if they sign up to EDF Energy grid services. If taken up, this will allow the energy stored in a Powervault 3 battery to form part of an aggregated network that can be used to help balance the grid.
Read the full article on Energy Storage News:
Fortum announced that it will install the newest 5MW/6.2MWh battery energy storage system (BESS) at Forshuvud hydropower plant. It is one of dozens of hydropower plants Fortum owns and operates running off the Dalälven river’s catchment area through central Sweden. As with the Järvenpää battery, the Forshuvud battery will provide frequency regulation services. Forshuvud is a 44MW plant generating around 209.8GWh of electricity annually and is 88% owned by Fortum.
Read the full article on Nergy Storage News:
As part of its Paris Agreement obligations, the EU Commission has presented a carbon-neutral vision for 2050, which encompasses GDP growth through smart investments and public health savings.
It is still just a vision and has yet to be approved by the relevant authorities. To this end, the commission has invited the European Council, the European Parliament and the Committee of Regions, as well as the Economic and Social Committee to attend a conference on May 9, 2019, in Sibiu, Romania.
Read the full article on PV Magazine
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