The fire risks of a Li-Ion battery system due to their high potential fire load have to be handled with great care. However with the right measures the risk can be reduced and a safe operation be ensured. They best way to prevent a fire from happening is an early detection of gaseous electrolyte and an inerting of the battery room with e.g. nitrogen or carbon dioxide. This procedure is described and recommended by Siemens in a published white paper form January 2019. Siemens offers as well the fire protection equipment as the FDA241 air sampling detector in combination with the Sinorix N2 extinguishing system.
Cellution offers a risk analysis regarding the fire risks of a Li-Ion battery system as well as a fire protection concept. Please feel free to get in contact with us for details.
At the Intersolar Summit Spain 2019 in Barcelona this week on the 18th of June the Solar community got together and discussed the national plan for energy and environment. This plan includes the target of Spain having 74% renewable electricity supply in 2030 which will include new PV installation of 28GW from 2020 to 2030. This means an installation of 2800MW of Solar in average each year from 2020 to 2030. Compared with the installation in 2018 of roughly 260MW this will be a huge increase for the next 10 years in Spain.
Together with increased PV installation the opportunities for energy storage will rise. In Spain are great opportunities for Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) according to Bruce Douglas, Deputy CEO and COO at SolarPower Europe. Within a PPA most commonly a price for the electricity purchase is fixed over a certain duration. But as presented within the Intersolar Summit there are many different possibilities for PPAs as presented by Nicolas Gourvitch (Founder of Green Giraffe).
For example, together with PPAs, energy storage can bring benefit to Solar energy providers by storing energy in case the electricity price at EEX (European Energy Exchange AG) is lower than the contracted PPA price. This energy can be traded at the EEX in case the current price index is above the contracted PPA price. This is just one example for an application of a battery system combined with PV.
According to Raúl Morales (CEO at Soltec) there will be an overproduction of Solar energy during the midday, which results in an electricity price of zero or even negative values. This scenario will get more and more important with the raise of Solar power and brings huge potential for energy shifting with storage solutions like batteries. This statement was backed up by the Spanish TSO Red Eléctrica (presented by Paula Junco, Tecnico de la Dirección de Operacioines) for the winter months. There is a big potential for energy shifting although in the summer months the solar power will match the electricity demand in the near future.
Cellution will be at the Intersolar Summit Spain 2019 in Barcelona!
Spains solar market is reignited and this leads to big opportunities for the combination with battery storage.
From 2017 to 2018 Spain nearly doubled its yearly new installed solar capacity from 135MW to 262MW. This increase is driven by lower production costs and cancellation of fees and charges such as the sun tax. If you participate at the Intersolar Summit in Barcelona on 18.06.2019 then I would be glad to meet you there!
Find more information about the Intersolar Summit Spain here.
We support you on tasks such as development of tender documents with detailed technical specification and requirements for your battery storage project or review offers you get from system integrators. It is a difficult task to have proposals comparable and identify, which is the best offer. We can help you with this challenge and support you even further with contarcts for product or performance. As you may know, a Li-Ion battery for example looses 20-30% of its capacity over the lifetime. Thats why it is important to have a warranty that covers this loss of asset to be able to plan your business accordingly.
Cellution can support you on a broad variety of tasks related to stationary utility scale battery storage projects and is looking forward to get in contact with you!
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